lunedì 27 febbraio 2017

How to correct liquid sourdough strenght

Mature liquid sourdough
Hello folks ! Have been a while since I did not post here, but the book, the baking itself and sport duties don't conceed me a lot of spare time...
I had the idea to write this piece while I was looking some feeds on Instagram and I figure that some people (either pro and home bakers) had the same problem with liquid sourdough.
The main issue was a lack of activity (or strenght) and a strange smell/flavor that was not typically related to sourdough. Since the acidity was good, (let's say around 3,8 to 4,2 ph), as well as proofing times and temps, the problem was obviously generated from some bacterias contamination. It's not quite easy for sourdough to be contaminated, but in some cases, even if one works with the right hygiene protocol it happens. If the levain have been suffering some stress, in example very long fermentations with either low starter inoculation and/or low temperatures (like in winter), the natural barriers from external bacterias may not work. Infact just the use of an organic flour which brings some different bacterias strains than usual can give problems of this kind.
What to do if refreshing after refreshing the issue does not solve?
The most secure (and drasthic) option is to toss the sour and make a new one from zero....
Obviously no one want to loose their beloved levain :)
Here is a method to try (with success most of the times) to bring back in strenght our sourdough.
First, we need to refresh it one time with this formula: 1:4:2 (starter:strong flour:water), mix it until a developed dough is formed (dough temp 25c) and let ferment 8 hours at 26-28c covered.
With a knife, cut the peel off and take only the heart of our stiff starter. Cut the center in 1cm slices and put them into a solution of 28c water with 0,1% white sugar for 15 minutes. (Water should be 5 parts greater than sourdough weight and 0,1% white sugar calculated on water weight). Be careful to not dissolve the slices in the water by using a gentle touch. Repeat the process, (refreshment and bath), until you loose the off flavor and solve the issue.
After that, the stiff starter can be converted again in liquid sourdough by proceeding with a couple (or three) feedings in which you augment the water %.
NB. this process can be used also for too acidic sourdoughs but not for yeasty ones.
Hope this will serve and I wish you many great "Natural Leavenings"

Ps. I found a transaltor for the book so it will be released quite soon in English ! :D

giovedì 9 febbraio 2017


Ciao cari bakers ! Per celebrare un anno di Instagram e la fine della stesura del libro "Lievitazioni Naturali" che raccoglie un po le migliori panificazioni, eccovi un piccolo regalo che spero sia gradito :)
Il wallpaper di uno dei miei pani preferiti: Il pane di Campagna scuro
Il link per il download lo trovate in fondo. Ciao e buone panificazioni !

Hello dear bakers ! To celebrate one year of Instagram and the finishing of the book "Natural Leavenings" which resume the best recipes, here it is a little present that I hope will be  appreciated :)
A wallpaper of one of my favorite breads: The Country brown bread
Download link is at the end. Bye and good bakings !

giovedì 19 gennaio 2017

Pane di Campagna scuro - primo passo verso l' alta idratazione - Country brown - a first step into high hydration breads

Country Brown

Ciao a tutti ! Dopo le vacanze invernali, eccomi alle prese con un nuovo articolo, questa volta una ricetta di pane, per iniziare l' anno nuovo col piede giusto :)
Come promesso, questa è la ricetta del pane di Campagna scuro del video che ho postato sui social.
Penso sia una ricetta perfetta come inizio per l'alta idratazione perchè oltre ad essere molto gustosa, è di facile esecuzione.
Utilizzando farine integrali si massimizza l' assorbimento dell' acqua, quindi l' impasto risulta essere più facile da manipolare.


Hello everyone ! After the winter seasonal vacation, I am back with a new article, this time a bread recipe, to start "with the right foot" the new year :)
As I promise, this is the recipe of the Country brown sourdough bread featured in the video I did post on socials.
I guess it' s a perfect recipe to start with high hydration because it' s very tasty but also quite easy.
Using whole grains flours maximize water absorbtion, so the dough resulting, is easier to handle.


Per il pre-fermento:

200 gr di farina tipo 0 forte
100 gr di acqua
50 gr di pasta madre

Rinfrescare la pasta madre con le proporzioni indicate. Lasciare fermentare a 18 c per circa 17-18h

Per l' impasto:

60 gr di segale integrale
100 gr di farro integrale
700 gr di tipo2
210 gr di pasta madre
22 gr di sale rosa fine
780-800 gr di acqua (dipende dall' assorbimento della farina)


Impastare brevemente tutto assieme tranne il sale.
lasciare riposare 30-40 minuti poi aggiungere il sale e proseguire ad impastare a bassa velocità per 5 - 8 minuti oppure a mano con s&f fino ad ottenere una consistenza morbida.
Mettere a fermentare a 28c per 4-5 ore dando 3/4 giri di pieghe a seconda della forza dell' impasto.
NB. non esagerare a sviluppare forza in questa fase, durante la formatura avremo l' occasione di aumentarla ulteriormente.

Staglio e pre-forma a tondo.
Dopo un riposo di circa 15 minuti, formare ad ovale abbastanza stretto prestando attenzione a non
rovinare la tensione.
Fermentare per 14-18 h  a 6c

Praticare un taglio centrale e cuocere a 240c per 20 min con vapore, finire la cottura a 220 per 40 minuti.

Country Brown slice


Stiff sourdough:

200 gr bread flour
100 gr water
50 gr Stiff sourdough

Refresh with the given quantities, and ferment for 17-18h at 18c


60 gr whole rye
100 gr whole Farro
700 gr High extraction wheat
210 gr Sourdough
22 gr Pink salt
780-800 gr water (depending on flour absorbption)


Mix briefly all the ingredients but the salt. Let rest for 30-40 mins then add the salt and mix at slow speed for 5 to 8 mins or with s&f until you get a soft consistency.
Put it ferment at 28c for 4-5h doing 3/4 folding sets depending on dough strenght.
Don't exagerate at this point to build strenght, during the shaping phase we have time to build more.

Cut and round pre-shape
After 15 mins rest, shape batard quite tight paying attention to not break the tension.
Ferment at 6c for 14-18h

Score and cook at 240c for 20 mins with vapor, then 40 mins at 220.

Ready for the oven and baked